2. First Steps with the ESonix interface

ESonix is the first public on-line Aircraft Explosive Decompression Calculator. ESonix provides an easy, user-friendly yet very powerful access to Aircraft rapid decompression analysis.

This manual presents the functionalities of ESonix and aims to be a daily reference for the extensive ESonix functionalities and parameters. For a more theoretical approach, please refer to the Certification Manual.

As of version 2, the user interface is reachable at http://www.aero-sonix.com.

ESonix is built with the following rules in mind:

  • Easy first steps: beginners learn how to use ESonix within an hour.
  • Default parameters are good for most of the cases.
  • Experienced and advanced users can deeply finely tune their simulations.
  • Extensive documentation
Responsive design for multi-devices access

Fig. 2.1 Responsive design for multi-devices access

2.1. Top Bar menu

Identification on ESonix is necessary to check licensing and rights. The user therefore needs to register on ESonix before using it.

Weither the user is logged in or not, the top menu will show two different aspects.

Anonymous (non-logged user) Top Bar Menu

Once the user opened http://www.aero-sonix.com, if the user is not logged, the interface shows the top menu as shown in Fig. 2.2.

Anonymous (non-logged user) Top Bar Menu

Fig. 2.2 Anonymous (non-logged user) Top Bar Menu

The following actions are available to anonymous users (numbers refer to Fig. 2.2):

  1. Login: Opens the identification page for registered users. The user need

    to already have a login and a password.

  2. Register: Allows an anonymous user to create a free account on ESonix.

  3. Forgot password: Initialize a classical secured password restore sequence.

  4. Confirm Account: One of the required steps for identification.

  5. Toolbox: Provides access to sides additional tools helping in building models.

  6. Help: Provides access to the ESonix documentation.

Logged User Top Bar Menu

Logged User Top Bar Menu

Fig. 2.3 Logged User Top Bar Menu

The following actions are available to anonymous users (numbers refer to Fig. 2.3):

  1. Projects: Provides a menu to manage projects
  2. Toolbox: Provides access to sides additional tools helping in building models.
  3. Help: Provides access to the ESonix documentation.
  4. <user@email>: User personal information and settings. Logout.
  5. Check my profile: Shortcut to personal informations.
  6. Visit my projects: Shortcut to user’s projects.

Registering on ESonix

User identification menu

Fig. 2.4 Account creation form

User data for registering is very limited. Fig. 2.4 shows:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email Address: A Valid Email address.
  4. Password: User password.
  5. Licence: optional licence key in case of paying account

Registering on ESonix is a free classical two-steps process:

  • Create an account with the registration form: http://www.aero-sonix.com/create_account
  • If you have a licence key, you can provide it in field “5” right now. This can also be done later on (cf. Registering a license).
  • Once the form has been validated (click on button “Register” –field 6 on Fig. 2.4) , the user will receive an email at the mail address provided within the registration form.

Once the link provided in the validation email has been followed (it may take a few minutes), the user has a valid account on ESonix and is able to log in.

The last step is to validate the licence that ESonix will show you. Without licence acceptation, the usage of ESonix will be very limited.

Log in ESonix

Many services are available to registered users only. For example, running a model, or post-processing some results require the user to be logged in.

Login is available to any registered user. Login is available at url http://www.aero-sonix.com/login.

Registering a license

To register a new license, the user needs to log in, and open its personal settings.

accessing to personal settings

Fig. 2.5 Accessing to personal settings

In the personal settings, paste the license key that has been provided. This license key will be validated (or not) “Save” is pressed.

accessing to personal settings

Fig. 2.6 Installing a new license key

2.2. Toolbox

The toolbox (as shown in Fig. 2.7) groups some independant tools that may be useful to the user.

toolbox menu

Fig. 2.7 Toolbox menu

Tool “search standard atmosphere by ...”

Provide forms to investigate ISA (standard atmosphere) by searching by:

  • altitude
  • pressure (reverse search)

Tool “Calculate opening holes”

Provide a form to calculate opening holes as per FAR25.365

Tool “Calculate hinged decompression feature opening time”

Provide a way to calculate opening time for hinged panels based on mass, dimensions and many other parameters.

Tool “Calculate rapid decompression critical load cases”

Provide a way to evaluate the critical altitudes for a given aircraft.

2.3. Help

Besides the provided manuals, an extensive online help is available.