======== Projects ======== Assuming you already registered, the recommended workflow consists in: 1. Creating a Project 2. Preparing your first run by downloading our Excel template, and filling it as per your layout. 3. Creating and running a new decompression analysis .. _create_project_phase: Creating a project ================== If needed, create a new project from the main ``projects`` menu: Projects>>Create Project. Fill-in the form to create a project, then save it. The Project's Creation Form is organized in three sections: (1) Aircraft Data, (2)Project's Team and (3) Decompression Runs Default Parameters. .. _project_parameters: Project Parameters: Aircraft's data and Project's team ------------------------------------------------------ .. _create_project: .. figure:: fig/create_project_01.png :align: center :alt: Create a project :figclass: align-center :width: 400pt :class: screenshot Project's creation Form --(1/5) Aircraft Data & Project's team -- The two first sections of the form aims to provide general information about the Aircraft and the team. As shown in :numref:`create_project` 1. ``Name`` Name of the project 2. ``AC family`` Aircraft type (*eg.* A320, A330, B747, *etc.*) 3. ``Aircraft`` Aircraft type (A319CJ, A330-200, B747-8, *etc.*) 4. ``Decks Mapping`` Association of deck levels with deck names 5. ``Admins`` (optional) list of users allowed to perform administraor tasks 6. ``Users`` (optional) list of allowed users .. note:: Once the project is validated, the "decks mapping" (item 4) cannot be changed anymore .. _decompression_runs_default_parameters: Decompression Runs Default Parameters ------------------------------------- The 'Decompression Runs Default Parameters' section is divided in three parts, as shown in :numref:`create_project_parameters`) 1. ``Model``: Set of parameters of the model (Unit, Door position, Load Cases, Sub-modelling Zone) 2. ``Runtime``: Set the Runtime parameters (Engine, Time Step and Sampling) 3. ``Runtime Advanced``: Set the Advanced Runtime parameters, see chapter :ref:`parameters` for more details. .. _create_project_parameters: .. figure:: fig/create_project_02.png :align: center :alt: Create a project :figclass: align-center :width: 400pt :class: screenshot Project's creation Form --(2/5) Decompression Runs Default Parameters -- Model Parameters (first tab) """""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. _create_project_parameters_model: .. figure:: fig/create_project_03.png :align: center :alt: Create a project :figclass: align-center :width: 400pt :class: screenshot Project's creation Form --(3/5) Decompression Runs Default Parameters, MODEL -- The first part of the Default Analysis Parameters define the way that ESonix will use to handle the model itself. As shown in :numref:`create_project_parameters_model`, the different parameters are: 1. :ref:`Model's Units system `. 2. :ref:`Doors Configuration to run `. 3. :ref:`Load Cases to run `. Default (blank) is All. 4. :ref:`params_sub-modelling_zone`. .. _runtime_parameters: Runtime Parameters """""""""""""""""""" .. _create_project_parameters_runtime: .. figure:: fig/create_project_04.png :align: center :alt: Create a project :figclass: align-center :width: 400pt :class: screenshot Project's creation Form --(4/5) Decompression Runs Default Parameters, RUNTIME -- As shown in :numref:`create_project_parameters_runtime`: 1. :ref:`Thermodynamical model (or engine) `. 2. :ref:`Simulation time Step `. 3. :ref:`Simulation sampling `. 4. :ref:`params_write_data_on_event`. 5. :ref:`Simulation timeout `. 6. :ref:`Simulation Convergence Criteria `. 7. :ref:`params_post-convergence_margin`. .. note:: default parameters are proposed for the Runtime 'Time step and Sampling' and 'Convergence Criteria'. Unless the user are doing a detailed investigation, the default parameters do not need to be modified. .. _runtime_advanced_parameters: Runtime Advanced Parameters """""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. _create_project_parameters_runtime_adv: .. figure:: fig/create_project_05.png :align: center :alt: Create a project :figclass: align-center :width: 400pt :class: screenshot Project's creation Form --(5/5) Decompression Runs Default Parameters, RUNTIME ADVANCED -- As shown in :numref:`create_project_parameters_runtime_adv` (detail explanation are available on section :ref:`parameters`): 1. :ref:`params_adaptive_strategy` 2. :ref:`params_adaptive_strategy_max_co_target` 3. :ref:`params_adaptive_strategy_neighborhood_zone` 4. :ref:`params_adaptive_strategy_max_co_ramp` 5. :ref:`params_default_opening_latency` 6. :ref:`params_raw_merging` .. seealso:: To go deeper: - Refer to :ref:`adaptive_runtime_parameters` for more information about adaptive calculations. - For more information about merged load cases, refer to :ref:`merged_load_cases`. Deleting a project =================== Deleting a project is authorized for the author of the project only. To delete a project, click on Projects>>My Projects, select the project and then click on the trash icon as shown in :numref:`delete_project`. .. _delete_project: .. figure:: fig/deleting_project.png :align: center :alt: Deleting a project :figclass: align-center :class: screenshot :width: 500pt Deleting a project Managing a project =================== From the projects list overview (`Project` button), the user can enter a project by clicking on the project name (*cf.* :numref:`delete_project`) Once in the project management: a blank project may look like this: .. _blank_project: .. figure:: fig/blank_project.png :align: center :alt: blank project :figclass: align-center :class: screenshot :width: 400pt Blank project overview As per :numref:`blank_project`: 1. ``Project's Management``: open the Project's parameters form as `edit`, `delete`, `check a model`. 2. ``New Run`` button: Prepare and launch a new regular run within the project. 3. ``New Batch`` button: Prepare and launch a new Batch run within the project. A project containing several :term:`nodes` will display a list of the existing nodes with additional informations. .. _backup_as_scenario: Backup a project (as a scenario) ================================ New in V3.3 From the projects list overview, the author of the project can download a :term:`scenario`. This *scenario* is an archive (zip file) containing all the necessary data to re-deploy the whole project. .. _backup_project_as_scenario_screenshot: .. figure:: fig/project_backup_as_scenario.png :align: center :alt: blank project :figclass: align-center :class: screenshot :width: 400pt Backup Project as a scenario The archive contains a batch file and all the relevant spreadsheets. Once unzipped on the user's machine, he can re-run everything in a project newly created, or even in the current project.