============ ESonix Model ============ Download our latest model template ================================== * basic template: :resource:`ESonix_template.xlsx` * basic template: :resource:`ESonix_template_dynamical.xlsx` What is a decompression model? ============================== Nothing more than a bunch of volumes connected through vents! You can figure your A/C Layout: .. _aicraft_layout: .. figure:: fig/A330_layout.png :width: 400pt :align: center :alt: Aircraft layout :figclass: align-center :class: screenshot Aircraft Layout As being a network of volumes: .. _aicraft_model: .. figure:: fig/A330_model.png :width: 400pt :align: center :alt: Aircraft model :figclass: align-center :class: screenshot Aircraft Model Creating a model is just matter of describing this network, in terms of *volumes* and *vents*. Additionally, some data about *load cases* need to be provided. By *load case*, we mean opening to ambient. How to fill the model template ------------------------------ This document describes how to build a reliable model. As of now, model are described *via* an excel spreadsheet embedding at least three tabs: * Load_Cases (mandatory) * Volumes (mandatory) * Connections (mandatory) Additionally, the following tabs may be included: * Dyn_Attributes (optional) .. warning:: tabs name and columns headers are case-sensitive. .. note:: Additional tabs are allowed and will be ignored. .. include:: load_cases.rst .. include:: volumes.rst .. include:: connections.rst .. include:: dyn_attributes.rst .. include:: tweaks.rst .. include:: cd_dyns.rst